Updated by HPKD 13mar23  


Since the RAeS Toulouse Branch formation in 1992,

Airbus had kindly allowed monthly lectures to be held

free of charge in the Symposium Room, Airbus SAS, Blagnac.

Post COVID-19, requirements for use of Airbus facilities were changed,

but agreement has now been granted for the RAeS Toulouse Branch

to continue to use the Symposium Room for its lecture season September to May.

The 2023 Rolls-Royce Student Lecture Competition will now be held in the

the Symposium Room, Airbus HQ/SAS, 1 rond-point Maurice Bellonte, 31707 Blagnac

at 18:00 on WEDNESDAY 19th April 2023.

For further details and and future programme

of the RAeS Toulouse Branch see





NKPD 211014 - Nicholas Dibley Memorial Service 14oct21

Britannia Unchained - Global Lessons for Growth & Prosperity - written in 2012  by Priti Patel, Dominic Raab, Liz Truss, Kwasi  Kwarteng, Chris Skidmore

Link to Reviews of Britannia Unchained in 2012  - to come

(In 2019  Boris Johnson appointed all into his government, with the inevitable results.)

Info & price of book WING TIPS by Dick Twomey

CNBCNews 200227 - Video Explanation of Conoravirus/COVID-19 by doctor in Toronto - 14MB

Link to Page containing copies of previous RAeS Toulouse Branch Lecture media in ppt, pdf and video MP4

Link to Page with Hugh Dibley's Aeronautical & Motor Racing Presentations

Link to Page with Ark Royal Gunroom info and various Audios & videos

RAeS Toulouse Branch Normal Lecture Venue - Map of Toulouse Airport and Airbus Campus1

RAeS Toulouse Branch - Download Airbus Acces Mineur form for Under 18 Lecture Participants


Video of first A380 Assembly with parts coming from France Germany and the UK

PowerPoint media  for - RAeS Toulouse Branch Lecture - FATHERS OF THE TURBOJET ENGINE - by Ian WHITTLE & Wolfgang BRIX on 15dec15 - 2.69MB

Or:  http://goo.gl/Q6iq1u

PDF media  for - RAeS Toulouse Branch Lecture - FATHERS OF THE TURBOJET ENGINE - by Ian WHITTLE & Wolfgang BRIX on 15dec15 - 3.71MB

Or:  http://goo.gl/uiXp1p

RAeS TLS Brnch Lctr 151215 - Audio of Fathers' Turbojet Ian WHITTLE & Wolfrgang BRIX - 15dec15 - wmv audio 274MB


Fm John Goldfinch 150520 - CRM James Robertson-Justice as BOAC Strat Captain - 22may15

Mike Sheehan's memorial service 2jul16

Link to video of RAeS Toulouse Branch lecture Iain Gray on Tue 16may17 - "The Role of Universities in Defining and Delivering a Future Aviation Vision"

RAeS Toulouse Branch 2021 AGM Information

BG's Photos

2003 BOAC AR Group Photo

Adrian Constable's RAeS Toulouse Branch Presentaton Tue 17 Sep 2019 - "British Aiways - 100 Years of Airline History" - pptx 23MB